{Blogged over the Greatest Showman soundtrack} Happy Wednesday! I am not sure why I made the effort today to come to the blog and write. Its been a while. #lifeisabsolutelycrazy Writing always makes me feel better, calmer, more focused and a little more centered. Last night, I stumbled upon a news story that involved horrific abuse to a 2 year old boy by his mother and father. Unmentionable, heart-breaking, soul-crushing abuse that, 36 hours after injury, when his parents finally brought him to the hospital, he ultimately died from. 2 years old, and probably very little of that time filled with any sort of love or joy. We see so much tragedy on a daily basis that I sometimes feel like we become immune to it.
But not this story. Not this time.
This tragedy- and the picture of the smiling tow-headed boy that accompanied it- stayed with me. I raged and cried to my husband, I cried helplessly while trying to sleep, I cried when I woke up this morning. At the best of times, I am a highly empathetic person who tears up at the drop of a hat, but this has weighed so heavy on me. Being a mother of a 20 month old little boy myself might have something to do with it, but it occurred to me today- as it has so many times in the past- that children are excruciatingly vulnerable, and there is nothing more than a dice roll that determines the parents we get. Are you the unfortunate recipient of a mother who spends her money on her nails (or drugs) instead of diapers? Or a dad that is short-tempered or cruel or disinterested? Everyone I know takes parenting so seriously- from the food we feed our children, to schoolwork, to their activities-- that we forget there is a whole world out there of emotionally and physically neglected, abused children. I want to scoop up every child (and dog!) and bring them to live with me in a loving home.
I wasn't sure where to turn, so I turned to God and I prayed. It still didn't feel like enough and I have to admit that here is where my faith is always tested the most-- because how can we believe in a benevolent loving God in a world where terrible things are allowed to happen to innocents? It bothers me, this. But I prayed about it and here I am, feeling a bit better but wanting so much to roll up my sleeves and help somewhere. I lead a life that is as busy as everyone's and finding time to volunteer seems daunting. Donating money doesn't seem like enough. I am going to find a path for good here and just TRY to do something. I think we live in a world where people constantly proclaim themselves blessed, but so much of those basic blessings are things beyond our control. I think I want to count my blessings, yes, always, but also try to give to those who don't have these same blessings.
This is a heavy post, but I hope that's ok. The world is a heavy place and there are times when it feels good to turn to this beautiful community, because its a reminder that good people are still out there. Sending love and brighter days to us all- Sweetly Michelle
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