This is my feeble attempt at posing. #awkwardpartyofone
{blogged over the Bachelor and next to my poor sick baby girl} This was not the best start to 2017- poor Addison has the stomach flu and has had a rough day of it. We had the day all planned out- we were going to see Sing and then to lunch - a little mommy and daddy date with our girl. I am always nervous that she will feel neglected because baby Huds takes up sooo much of my attention and focus. I know it's not forever ( it actually goes by waaay too fast) but I still try to find time to spend with just her. Anyway, that plan went down the tubes when we woke up to her throwing up. And this seemed to me to be a little bit like life- you can have the very best plans and intentions, and sometimes, life throws you a curve ball. I DID spend one on one time with her (it unfortunately involved hanging over the toilet!) We just have to be red-y for anything, right? Happy New Year! Sweetly, Michelle
pc: @bleudogfotography