Shop Bop Secret Sale!

{Written while making a last minute Mother's Day wish list} Hi everyone! Shop bop is having a 40% off sale for 3 days only and oh my gosh are the cutest things on sale!  I want sooo much...I put together a little collage of some of my favorite golden and neutral shoes and accessories (cuz I'm a little gold obsessed over here) but there is so much that is sooo good.  I want to try and pull together some cute bags and summer time dresses too.  These goldie's are pretty much good to go this season but there are also some amazing black leather bags and shoes that would be great for next fall.  I might try to pull some of those out for you too but hurry andtake a look before the cute stuff sells out!! Sweetly, Michelle


Enchanting Edelman πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸ₯πŸ₯



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Good morning! I would like to start off by discussing last nights RHOBH Reunion (because I had a Girls Watching Par-tay last night at my house- with Bravo BINGO!) but that might be a story for another day! Onto the goods.   I originally saw these Sam Edelman sling-backed beauties on Anthropologie's website maybe 2 months ago and fell in loooove but like it always turns out when you really really love something, you go back to buy it- and pouf! Like bad magic, it's gone (there is a lesson to be learned here, ladies- do not give in to caution or reason- just buy. Buy fast! Buy with abandon!)

Nordstrom came through like it always does and I found them there. You can find them here! {Bonus- they are on sale!} Super comfy and a good nude shoe to add to my collection when an outfit calls for a little something-something more (which is pretty much ALWAYS!) They are a rafia-type material and I really liked them with this goldishy linen textured skirt and jacket,  (because really, does gold ever steer you wrong? Generally speaking? :)) I just ordered the suit and it is office perfection!   Hope your Wednesday is a beautiful one! πŸŽ€πŸ­Michelle